Where can the new elder handbook be downloaded from?
Sour Grapes
how good and great it is, to see that the new elder instruction book can be downloaded from the internet in the same month of release.
an example that people inside the organization are changing.
Where can the new elder handbook be downloaded from?
Sour Grapes
a couple of months ago the brother giving a talk was bragging about all of the good work.
that the wtbts does thru their missionaries.
he said that all that the christendom's missionaries.
A couple of months ago the brother giving a talk was bragging about all of the good work
that the WTBTS does thru their missionaries. He said that all that the Christendom's missionaries
do is feed the hungry, distribute clothing, and set up hospitals to take care of the sick.
He said "not that all of those things are bad things, they are good things, but what do
our missionaries do? They give spiritual food that can lead to everlasting life, where there will
be no hunger or sickness." I thought that the only trick is not to have your
Bible student die on you from starvation or sickness while they enjoy learning
about the Bible.
The Witnesses are a sad bunch of people. Tell a hungry person here you can eat
my Bible or tell a cold person here you can wear my Bible.
Sour Grapes
recently a circuit overseer said in one of his talks that the new light.
on the generation teaching shows how very close the end is because.
there will be a time when the over lap will end.
If the Witchtower Babel and Trick Society stopped talking about how
close the end is many JW's would do the slow fade. Once they saw
how refreshing it is not to have to stay on the JW treadmill they would
stop all together.
It is the same reason why they turn in their time. If they did not have to
turn in time they would stop going out.
Sour Grapes
recently a circuit overseer said in one of his talks that the new light.
on the generation teaching shows how very close the end is because.
there will be a time when the over lap will end.
Recently a circuit overseer said in one of his talks that the new light
on the generation teaching shows how very close the end is because
there will be a time when the over lap will end. He said that the older
anointed who saw what took place in 1914 are now a very small number
and that those of the younger anointed who are in the overlap have a limited
life span and the great tribulation has to occur before their death so
we should not think that the end is pushed off because it is closer than
we think. I just sat their thinking that the WTBTS added 30 to 40 more
years to when the end can be here and then when that time approaches
there will be more new light. The light is getting so bright now that even
with sun glasees my eyes hurt.
Sour Grapes
i am going to start taking my sun glasses to the sunday meetings.. the light is getting so bright that it hurts my eyes.
the new light.
on the generation burned a hole thru my skull like a laser beam.. sour grapes.
I am going to start taking my sun glasses to the Sunday meetings.
The light is getting so bright that it hurts my eyes. The new light
on the generation burned a hole thru my skull like a laser beam.
Sour Grapes
did you attend the meeting today?
this is a thread for anyone who attended the "big" generation watchtower study today to post their experiences/stories.. let's hear some wholesome, upbuilding encouragement from our brothers and sisters out there today!.
One of the comments made was that "since the generation started in 1914, the overlap
just proves how close the end is." A drone is a drone. They have just tacked on 50 to
60 more years until the generation dies off. The WTBS will make reference to this article
20 or 30 years from now.
Sour Grapes
to everything turn, turn, turn...... a generation comes and a generation goes:.
first, it was god's promise that some of the generation of people who witnessed the events of 1914 would still be alive when the great tribulation starts.. it was speculated that a generation could be 40 years, 70 years, 80 years, 100 years, or even possibly 120 years long.. then, as the years went by, year after year after year passed by... no end in sight.. finally in the 1980's and 90's, it was announced that the generation would include all of those people who were born in 1914. that bought them another few years.. for decades, each and every issue of awake!
magazine featured this declaration at the beginning:.
Thanks for the post. It was well written.
Sour Grapes
what about dan sydlik and henschel milton, for example?.
they were born in 1919 and 1920 (after 1914), and both died before the "great tribulation".. .
the definition of wt says:.
Most JW's can only describe the first meaning of "this generation". My Mom is
in her 80's and this is what she still believes. She doesn't understand the
last two flashes of "new light" and she sure as hell won't understand the
latest change. Most JW's will not be able to explain the change and the
ones that do will say that this is further proof that we have the Truth because
the light is getting brighter and brighter. Some who are really deep thinkers
will even state that this is another sign of how close we are to the end even
though the Witchtower Babel and Trick Society has just added another 70 to
80 years of waiting until the Great Tribulation.
Sour Grapes
i still go to a few meetings a month just to keep members of my family happy.. the witnesses seemed to be getting all worked up about how close the end.
it sorta feels like the 1975 era only 35 years later.
the brother who gave.
I still go to a few meetings a month just to keep members of my family happy.
The Witnesses seemed to be getting all worked up about how close the end
is. It sorta feels like the 1975 era only 35 years later. The brother who gave
the talk said that the "end is very very near." He said that he became a
Witness in 1990 so he missed all of the fun in 1975. Then during the Witchtower
study some brother commented how thankful we should all be that Jehovah has not
yet brought Armageddon because how many would not be here today.
I just zoned out as my brain began to bleed.
Sour Grapes
well i attended the memorial a few days ago and it always amazes me.
that on this night that the jw's forget how to park their cars in the parking.
Well I attended the Memorial a few days ago and it always amazes me
that on this night that the JW's forget how to park their cars in the parking
lot. I pull in with my wife and there are 5 brothers giving directions on where
and how to park my car. For God's sake the parking spaces are marked and
the cars are parked no differently than the other 364 days of the year.
I walk inside and you can tell which JW's have Bible students there because
they have the biggest smiles and wear these individuals like badges of
honor. Then there is the rag tag visitors in blue jeans and tea shirts. I
keep thinking what in God's green earth would make these people want to
come to the KH one night out of the year?
Of couse there was the love bombing that you only get until you get
baptized. I could tell that those who were getting bombed enjoyed the
attention. The talk was the same this year as last year. "We are here
to observe the Memorial of Christ death but you will not be partaking of
the emblems." Jesus said to keep doing this in rememberance of me. All
that heard his works drank the wine and eat the bread, however not one
partook of the emblems at our hall. If we are to keep doing this than why
are we not doing what Jesus said to do?
I am glad that another year has passed and I just can't wait for next
years Memorial.
Sour Grapes